An Ignoramus’ Talk with Vapers

Having talked to a couple of vapers recently I was amazed to learn how diverse their tastes were when it comes to buying vaping juice. There was also a difference in what atomisers they were using. It depended seemingly how long they had been smoking.


The more they got used to it, the fancier the e cigarettes became.  If you are a beginner in this department, it makes sense to start with a simple device and then gradually update to a more complicated one.

The next question to address is what flavour vaping juice you are going to use. For this you should consult a retailer who sells e liquids Online UK. They are easily found if you go on the internet.

I asked the guys I interviewed which flavours they particularly liked. The answer is that there are so many of them around that you will have to experiment with a few to hit upon the right one.

One of the interviewees liked a mix between three flavours namely spearmint, menthol and another minty flavour.  When asked what he thought of the fruity flavours, he said that he didn’t like them at all.
Fruit flavours are very popular though, but I suspect that this particular vaper probably smoked menthol cigarettes in his smoking days.


One thing that came out during my talks with the vapers was that they both smoked liquids with a very low nicotine content.  It appears that you can gradually wean yourself of higher contents gradually.  
It is for this reason that vaporisers do a good job in getting people to quit nicotine.  One thing that one of them said was that he liked to create great billows of clouds and he demonstrated what he meant.
Perhaps that was a leftover from his smoking days and there are vaporisers that let you do it.  They are the more upmarket models though.  The amazing thing that came out of our talks was that they would never go back to smoking cigarettes.

If you need advice on a suitable e liquid UK, please get in touch with


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