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When you are trying to give up smoking the most common question that crops up is which e cigarette is the best to choose to do just that. Because you have a replacement for your smoking habit, these cigarettes do work to help you quit the habit. Of course, they are just a tool and you need e juice to complete the process. The reason for this is that juices are available in different strengths of nicotine. So if you start off with the strength on your cigarette packet you can gradually reduce your intake over time. I know from experience how difficult it is to stop a habit of a lifetime and by switching to vaping it eases the process of giving them up altogether. The reason why it is so important to stop is the fact that they are so very bad for health. E-cigs are not without risks but it is minimal compared to tobacco inhalation. Another advantage of vaping is that you can take a puff occasionally, rather than lighting a cigarette that needs to be smoked in its entire...